September 13, 2010 in Academic and LibraryStooling Around As many of you know, we recently built some reading tables for the Miller Library at Colby College. The tables…Read More >
September 2, 2010 in For Your HomeIn the Birdhouse We were recently asked if we would build a special birdhouse for Habitat for Humanity of Maine, 7 Rivers. They…Read More >
August 9, 2010 in Academic and LibrarySt. Paul’s School Bill and Saer returned on Friday from a week in Maryland, delivering and installing new furniture at St. Paul’s School.…Read More >
July 15, 2010 in For Your HomeHuston in the Kitchen As we mentioned in a previous blog post, we were invited to be a part of the filming of The…Read More >
July 8, 2010 in Academic and LibraryAmerican Library Association Annual Meeting We recently exhibited our library and academic furniture at the annual meeting of the American Library Association (ALA). It’s a…Read More >
June 28, 2010 in Academic and LibraryVisiting Princeton The academic furniture that we build is typically designed for public spaces, or private offices: student centers, admissions offices, libraries,…Read More >
June 21, 2010 in For Your HomeJune Happenings and WIN A HUSTON COAT TREE! FINE LIVING FESTIVALAlong with getting our new website up and running, we were also busy as the official Fine Furniture…Read More >
May 26, 2010 in For Your HomeA New Site for Huston & Company Welcome, everyone, to our brand new website and blog. We are very excited to share our new look with you.…Read More >