Sampling and Growling at the Brewery

We are beginning to do more with the CNC that we added to the shop last year. We’ve enjoyed offering engravings on certain items to personalize them. This has been a common request for our academic work; engraving the school seal or crest on the backs of chairs, or the center of a conference table.  But other than that, we’ve mostly used it to help with making batches of parts for large orders. 

Because we build furniture, we don’t spend much time thinking about making other things. Until the folks at Shipyard Brewing Company came along. We are building some very interesting furniture pieces for them (a future blog post) and somewhere along the way conversation moved away from furniture to a need for “sampler and growler trays” for their pub locations, to use in the pubs, and to sell in the brewery gift shops. 

After several passes at design and a few samples to approve, we arrived at designs for both the sampler trays and the growler trays for the location in Kennebunkport, Federal Jacks, and the Sea Dog Brewery locations in Topsham, Bangor and South Portland

All the trays were made of solid Ash, with a clear finish. Each has the logo of the brewery engraved on the front, and our Huston & Company stamp on the back.

Our client was very pleased that they could be made locally, and to their exact specifications. The CNC was responsible for the engraving, as well as carving out the spaces for glasses and growlers, and for cutting the general shape of each tray; a perfect project for this marvelous machine. Without the CNC, we would not have been able to make these affordable for our client. 

All 200 trays were delivered last week to the Kennebunkport location, where they were then sorted and distributed to the other locations. Several of the growler trays will remain at the gift shop located under Federal Jacks, so stop in and grab one for that beer enthusiast on your list! 

With a growler of Prelude Special Ale, served on a beautiful hardwood tray, you can’t go wrong!